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National Grief Awareness Week
January 22 – 28, 2024





FREE Bereavement Support Line:

The Irish Hospice National Phone Service is for people to speak about their grief or ask questions relating to the death of someone they care about.

Call: 1800 80 70 77,

Monday to Friday, 10 am to 1 pm.


What Is National Grief Awareness Week?
This is the Irish Hospice Foundation's fourth annual national grief awareness campaign. Originally hosted in November to coincide with the Good Grief Trust (UK) national campaign, this campaign will now take place in January — a time which can be difficult for many people, including those grieving.


The Irish Hospice, through National Grief Awareness Week, hopes to encourage people to be more grief-aware and encourage conversations about this typically uncomfortable subject.


When Is National Grief Awareness Week?
National Grief Awareness Week is January 22 – 28, 2024. During this period, the Irish Hospice will host online events and run a social media campaign to raise awareness of grief and its impact on individuals.

How Can I Participate in National Grief Awareness Week?​


  • TELL people you know, including family, friends, colleagues, and your community, about the campaign.

  • EMAIL your colleagues/networks with the details and a link to this webpage or print off some of promotional assets and make them accessible to your colleagues.

  • ORGANISE a showing of the lunchtime webinar or evening webinar for your colleagues, service users or community.

  • HOST a stand displaying the campaign poster and bereavement information in your workplace (email for hard copies of Irish Hospice resources).

  • SHARE on your social media accounts using the Irish Hospice promotional assets, using #NGAW2024 #BeGriefAware, and tagging @irishhospice.

  • POST or GIVE someone you know who has been bereaved an Irish Hospice free postcard to let them know you are thinking of them. Email for your free postcard; limited quantities are available.

  • WATCH the Irish Hospice three-minute informational video about grief and share it video with your friends and family:

Social Handles


Grief and Bereavement Resources


  • Bereavement and Loss Hub: For information, advice and resources on grief and loss.

  • Bereavement Support Line: The Irish Hospice national freephone service for people to speak about their grief or ask questions relating to the death of someone they cared about — 1800 80 70 77, Monday to Friday, 10 am to 1 pm.

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