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- September 10, 2022 - 
Creating Hope Through Action 

Suicide is the leading cause of death for people aged 15 to 29, and for every suicide that results in death, there are as many as 40 attempted suicides.  Every 40 seconds, someone dies by suicide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).  Worldwide, that's about 800,000 people annually — although some estimate it is closer to 1 million.  Even today, in many countries, suicides go unreported due to the stigma associated with death by suicide or religious beliefs.

Data for Ireland

The Central Statistics Office released 2019's latest 'official' data.  The following figures are the most up-to-date and accurate data available as of 10 June 2022:

  • 390 people died by suicide in 2019- 300 males (77%) and 90 females (23%)

  • The overall suicide rate was 8.2 per 100,000*

  • The male suicide rate was 12.9 per 100,000* compared to the female suicide rate of 3.6 per 100,000*

Therefore, it is essential to have discussions about mental health; this will make it easier for others to talk about the difficulties they are going through and will encourage people to seek professional support if necessary.

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World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) The theme

for 2022 is Creating Hope through Action.

This important theme is reflected in

our national Connected for Life strategy to

reduce suicide. We can all spread a message of

hope to others. While suicide is a very complex

issue, we can always look out for others who might be experiencing suicidal thoughts and provide support. This helps to create a more caring society where those who need to feel more comfortable seeking help. Download the #HSE slide deck, which contains some examples of actions that can help to create hope. 

Use the Hashtags

#WorldSuicidePreventionDay #WSPD #BeTheLight #WSPD2022 #ConnectingForLife 

What can you do to help prevent suicide?

World Suicide Prevention Day is a time to signal to vulnerable people, those with mental health difficulties and those experiencing suicidal thoughts, that we care and want to support them.  That there is hope.  This helps to create a more compassionate society, where people feel comfortable coming forward to seek help if needed.

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Help Reduce Suicide:

Learn more about suicide and how to support someone thinking of suicide. Would you know what to do if someone told you they were contemplating suicide? Oct 2020 (

Sign up for suicide prevention training 

Types of training -

Understand common misconceptions that surround suicide. Myths about suicide (

Find out what resources are available to help people experiencing mental health difficulties or those experiencing a mental health crisis. Get urgent help for a mental health issue -

Support someone bereaved by suicide.

national-suicide-bereavement-support-guide.pdf (

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